Thursday, October 21, 2010

Let's get this party started!

How-do people! Welcome to the first of many blogs about just a few of many things we find ourselves passionate about here at Devilution Ink, Tattoos, Heavy Music and of course......tattoos on beautiful women.  I'm really excited about starting this blog for many reasons, one of which is to pay tribute and show respect to all of the people I admire that are working in some of the MOST difficult industries to make a living and succeed in. It really seems as though the music and tattooing industries are saturated with a lot of bullshit and hype nowadays, and I feel it is my obligation to shed as much light as possible on the true contenders and champions of these mediums of sight and sound. These artists are the shaman of our culture, for past, present and future generations to come. These people have all payed tremendous dues, they sell their souls to pursuing a career that is driven by a real passion for their craft.  So fasten your seat belts and enjoy the shit that is about to spew out of mine and my cohort's mouths for as long as we are allowed to do this!


Lance W. Neatherlin 

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